As per instructions issued by Chief Secretary, Government of Haryana, GeneralServices – III Branch, there will be reservation in admission as under (subject to change by State Government): -
Category: | | | |
i) Scheduled Castes: (SC) | 20% |
a) 50% of 20% to Scheduled Castes b) 50% of 20% to Deprived Scheduled Castes (Refer to Annexure – I &II ) ii) Backward Classes: | |
Block- A | (BCA) | 16% |
Block-B | | (BCB) | 11% |
| |
iii) Physically Challenged (PHC) | 3% |
a | Blindness or no vision (BL) | 1.5% |
b | Locomotive Disability (LD) | 1.5% |
| | | | | |
(i.e. with one arm, one leg, one arm & one leg & without both legs)
iv) 10% of HOGC seats are reserved for EWS candidate of Haryana only.
In case the reserved quota for physically handicapped remains unutilized due to non-availability of suitable candidates of physically handicapped category, it will be offered to the ex-servicemen category (1%) and the dependents of freedom fighters category (1%).
Note: 3% horizontal reservation is also provided to Ex-servicemen (self)/ freedom fighters and their dependents by providing reservation within reservation of 1% of General category, 1% out of scheduled castes and 1% from backward class category for admissions to the various education institutions of the Government and Self Financing Institutes located in Haryana.\
- A candidate belonging to Reserve Category should clearly mention the category he/she belongs to so that he/ she could be given the benefit of reservation as per Haryana Govt. instructions issued from time to time.
- Children or Grandchildren (maternal or paternal) claiming the benefit of freedom fighter will have to produce the certificate of freedom fighter of Haryana state to be issued by the Chief Secretary Haryana and also produce the relationship certificate issued by the Deputy Commissioner of the district concerned. Furthermore, it is clarified that only one candidate can avail the benefit of freedom fighter from their grandparent certificate in an academic year. If, it is found later on that more than one candidate have taken the benefit, the admission of such candidates will be cancelled.
- The entitlement of reservation towards ex-servicemen would be applicable to one Dependent child only. The candidate belonging to this category should submit a fresh certificate issued from Secretary, Zila Sainik/Soldiers Board of the concerned district showing that he/she belongs to this category.
- For the purpose of reservation, the backward classes/persons have been put in categories i.e. Backward Class A (BCA), Backward Class B (BCB), (See Annexure III,I)
- Economically Weaker Section 10% reservation without affecting the percentage reservation of SC/ST/OBC/General as per Govt. instructions.
- Special provisions-
Self Finance Institution with Village Seats:-
- Tau Devi Lal Memorial College of Education, Manana, Panipat.
- Note:
- The admission for five village seats will also be made strictly on the basis of stream (Arts, Science, Commerce and Vocational Education) reservation. The merit of the eligible candidates of the concerned village will be prepared by the Principal concerned.
- Only candidates having residence certificate belong to the above mentioned villages are eligible for admission against village seats. The candidates not having residence certificate for these villages should not apply for village seats.
- Only the candidates having residence certificate issued by competent authority and who opted for the village seats shall be eligible for village quota seats subject to satisfaction of other eligibility conditions. The qualification and other requirements shall be same for village seat.
- Candidates belonging to above mentioned villages are required to fill up separate application form for other than village seats, if so desired.